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Building A Successful Career In Fitness and Nutrition

Understanding the human body and making the right fitness and nutrition choices for it is a skill that takes years, and you’ve cracked the code! If you’ve always had a passion for the fitness lifestyle, then you’re used to friends and family looking to you for advice on their personal goals. The good news is you can turn your passion for health and wellness into a career in fitness and nutrition. These 5 steps are a beginner’s guide to becoming a nutrition and fitness coach.

  1. Find your passion
  2. Get Certified
  3. Live the part
  4. Start small
  5. Keep pushing
  6. Start a business
Nutrition online course learning

Find your passion

The world of nutrition and fitness is vast! Identify the specifics of what you want to build a career in.

  • Does your passion lie in helping people reach their personal weight goals? Becoming a personal trainer may be the right path for you.
  • Great at outdoor sports? You may consider becoming a group fitness instructor for hiking or running or a sports nutrition specialist.
  • If your interests lie in the kitchen, understanding the basics of nutrition through clean eating and wholesome food choices might help you in becoming the nutrition coach you’ve always dreamed of.

All career paths are possible, and it’s up to you to decide which one you’d like to take.

Get certified

When it comes to starting off your career, your work will become much easier if you have the necessary qualifications needed to engage with potential customers.


Personal Training certifications make it easier for clients to understand the skills you possess for the job, and it’s sometimes mandatory when you apply for positions in gyms, and fitness and health centers. If your interest lies in working with older clients to maintain their health, taking a course that specializes in nutrition for older adults might be just the right thing to get started.


Nutrition qualifications such as Level 4 RSPH and Level 5 Nutrition can give you the confidence and skills to understand the specific requirements of a range of groups, such as for vegan and vegetarian diets, older adults and children, or for sports and exercise to help you have a broader scope of practice as a fitness or nutrition professional. Level 5 Nutrition especially gives you an advanced understanding of the “why” behind the nutrition advice, with more focus on the scientific and dietary principles like macros, Low carbohydrate and high-fat diets, and appetite regulation.


For a combination of the two skills, The Level 4 Elite Personal Trainer Course with RSPH Nutrition is a great place to start!


Living the part

All jobs require certain skills and expertise to qualify for the role, and the same applies to any career in fitness and nutrition. You’re selling a lifestyle, and it’s important that your biggest advertisement is you. Your enthusiasm and passion for fitness will be evident to clients, and being able to motivate them to hit their goals is a lot easier when you are actively engaged in learning more and immersing yourself in many aspects of the fitness industry. You don’t have to look like a professional athlete or model, your only responsibility is to follow the practices that you preach. While past experiences and certifications should be enough to converse with clients, your engagement and knowledge of the fitness industry will demonstrate to clients your professionalism.


Start small

Nobody becomes the most sought-after Nutrition Coach or the best Personal Trainer in the blink of an eye. Recognition takes years, but it all begins with starting small and building a network into the fitness world.


Look into your community’s gyms, sports complexes, and outdoor sports classes to see if they’re in search of trainers, or talk to your local wellness club for prospective positions for nutrition coaches. A great way to build a network for Personal Training is to talk to trainers at your gyms and ask if they can refer you for the jobs they’re not taking. It costs them nothing, and it helps you tremendously. For more tips on building a network, take a look at key tips on how to get personal training clients.


Keep pushing

It takes years of experience and commitment to create a sturdy career in fitness and nutrition, and you’ll only do yourself a disservice by getting discouraged and giving up.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them to become a better you. Understand and nurture your passion, and remember to be kind to yourself in the process.

Start a business

The alternative route to starting a career is starting your own business. Luckily, we have put together a comprehensive guide for the following careers:

Remember that running a business requires you to invest also time and resources in marketing. If this seems overwhelming, check out our guide on how to do SMS marketing for fitness centers.

To Conclude


In the end, the process is pretty simple. Start with finding your passion, and continue to gain a certification in that passion. Once you have your certification, it’s as simple as looking like a specialist and networking to find clients.

Entering the fitness and health industry has never been easier! Join our community of aspiring specialists to build your network. To start your journey, take the Level 4 Elite Personal Trainer Course or Nutrition Courses today!