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Become a Sports Nutrition Specialist: A complete Guide

Who are Sports Nutritionists?

Sports nutritionists are experts in the field of nutrition who work with athletes to help them optimise their health and performance. They use their knowledge of nutrition to create individualised meal plans and dietary strategies that help athletes reach their goals.

If you’re interested in becoming a sports nutritionist, there are a few things you’ll need to do, as we’ll see in this guide.

Once you’re certified, you’ll need to build your network and start looking for work. You can find jobs as a sports nutritionist in a variety of settings, including:

  • Professional sports teams
  • Colleges and universities
  • Private practice
  • Health clubs
  • Fitness studios

The salary for a sports nutritionist varies depending on your experience, the setting you work in, and the geographic location.

However, the average salary for a sports nutritionist in the UK is £40,900 per year, according to Glassdoor.

Why Sports Nutrition Matters

Sports nutrition plays a crucial role in enhancing an athlete’s performance by providing the right nutrients at the right time.

Proper nutrition can optimize energy levels, aid in muscle recovery, and improve overall health and well-being.

As a sports nutritionist, you will have the opportunity to work closely with athletes and help them achieve peak performance through personalized nutrition plans tailored to their specific needs and goals.

If you’re interested in a career in sports nutrition, now is the time to start planning. By following the steps above, you can set yourself up for success in this growing field.

Here are the steps to becoming a sports nutritionist in more detail:

There are a number of different degrees that can prepare you for a career in sports nutrition. Some of the most common nutrition degrees that are worth taking include:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
  • Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine

2. Complete a sports nutrition certification program

Once you have your nutrition degree, you’ll need to complete a sports nutrition certification program. There are a number of different certification programs available, so you’ll need to choose one that’s accredited by a reputable organization.

At Future Fit we offer several nutrition-related courses and qualifications:

If you need any support, please get in touch with us to arrange a call with one of our Specialist Career Advisers.

3. Build your network and start looking for work.

Once you’re certified, you’ll need to build your network and start looking for work. You can find jobs as a sports nutritionist in a variety of settings, including:

  • Professional sports teams
  • Colleges and universities
  • Private practice
  • Health clubs
  • Fitness studios

4. Get experience

One of the best ways to get experience as a sports nutritionist is to volunteer or intern with a professional sports team, college athletic department, or fitness studio. This will give you the opportunity to work with athletes and learn more about the field of sports nutrition.

5. Stay up-to-date on the latest research.

The field of sports nutrition is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest research. You can do this by reading journals, attending conferences, and taking continuing education courses.

By following these steps, you can set yourself up for a successful career in sports nutrition.

Tips for Success as a Sports Nutritionist

Becoming a successful sports nutritionist requires more than just qualifications and certifications. Here are some practical tips to excel in this field.

Develop excellent communication skills:

As a sports nutritionist, you will be working closely with athletes, coaches, and other stakeholders.

Effective communication skills are crucial in building rapport, understanding client needs, and delivering nutrition advice in a clear and understandable manner.

Stay client-centric:

Focus on understanding your client’s goals, preferences, and challenges.

Tailor your nutrition plans accordingly, and regularly assess and adjust based on their progress and feedback. Building a strong client-centred approach will help you establish trust and long-term relationships with your clients.

Provide evidence-based advice:

Base your nutrition recommendations on scientifically proven principles and avoid pseudoscience or fad diets.

Providing evidence-based advice will help you establish credibility and trust with your clients and ensure the effectiveness and safety of your recommendations.

Build a strong professional network:

Networking is critical in the sports nutrition field.

Collaborate with other nutrition professionals, sports teams, coaches, and other relevant stakeholders to expand your network, gain referrals, and stay updated with the latest industry trends and opportunities.


Becoming a sports nutritionist is an exciting and rewarding career choice for those passionate about helping athletes optimize their performance through proper nutrition.

By obtaining the right education, gaining practical experience, obtaining professional certifications, staying updated with the latest research and trends, and building a strong professional network, you can excel in this field and make a meaningful impact on the athletic community.

If you’re interested in becoming a sports nutrition specialist, download our Price Guide to learn more about our comprehensive personal trainer and nutrition courses and how they can prepare you for a successful career in sports nutrition.