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Change Career to Personal Training: How to Make the Switch

Did you know that you can transition from any job to start a fitness career?

Yes, whether in sales, finance, customer service, or retail, you can make a career change to become a personal trainer. The first step to becoming a personal trainer is taking a Level 3 PT course from a recognised training provider.

With a Level 3 qualification, you become a personal trainer but you can also do other jobs because your skills will be transferable to many work environments.

This article will discuss the benefits of making a career change to personal trainer and the steps you can take to achieve it. So, let’s get right to it.

What are the Benefits of Transitioning from a Corporate Career to a Fitness Profession?

There are numerous benefits of switching from a corporate career to fitness that go beyond the job title change; highlighted below are a few.

  • Personal and Professional Growth

Making a career switch will involve learning new skills and stepping out of your comfort zone. You must use professional growth opportunities, like certifications, to expand your skills and knowledge. You will engage in a more active lifestyle that will positively impact your health and fitness.

Besides, with more people prioritising their health, the demand for fitness professionals is at an all-time high. This means that working in the fitness industry promises growth potential and job security.

  • Flexible Schedule

Unlike a corporate career, you don’t need to work the standard 9-to-5 hours or have a fixed schedule as a personal trainer. You have more freedom and flexibility to schedule and choose your clients, especially if you have a business.

However, if you work for a gym, you are restricted to the times set by the gym. Besides, you can get another part-time or full-time job if you limit the number of clients you train.

  • Following a Passion

If you have a passion for health and fitness, transitioning to a fitness professional is a win-win situation, as you will be making a career doing what you love. This will, in turn, keep you constantly happy, motivated and satisfied with your career choice.

This doesn’t mean you won’t get burnt out because burnout is almost inevitable. A passion for your job just means you will still love what you do despite the burnout periods.

  • Encouraging Work Environment

If you are tired of the monotonous work environment that most corporate careers promote, making a career change to personal training may be the best move.

This is because, with a fitness career, you will not be doing the same tasks constantly, working in a cubicle or office, or navigating stressful office politics. Instead, you will be surrounded by a supportive community in a positive and exciting environment.

You can work in different gyms or training facilities on the same day if you are an independent personal trainer. You will also be able to make connections and relationships with clients and other fitness professionals, creating a strong sense of community.

  • Helping People

Apart from the physical impact switching to a personal training career will have on you; you will also have the opportunity to help improve the health and wellbeing of others. As a personal trainer, you play an essential role in helping your clients achieve their fitness goals by providing support and motivation.

Plus, it is gratifying to see the progress of your clients.

How to Make the Switch to a Personal Trainer

As we have said above, the first step is to complete a Level 3 Personal Training course, which also includes the Level 2 Gym Instructor.

The difference between PT levels is explained in this guide:

Identify Your Goals and Motivation

Before committing to a career change to a personal trainer, you need to define your motivation and goals for transitioning. What areas of personal training are you interested in? What are your goals for switching to the fitness profession? Do you like working out? Are you passionate about helping others achieve their fitness goals? Do you want to start your own personal training business? Are you interested in opening your fitness facility in the long term?

Answering these questions will ensure you are switching to this new career for the right reasons. Additionally, knowing what motivates you will ensure you stay on the right track to succeed in your new career.

Evaluate Your Skills and Qualifications

Evaluating your existing skills and qualifications will enable you to identify the transferable skills gotten your corporate career that can be applied to the fitness industry. These skills, which include sales, networking, leadership, administrative skills, communication, marketing, personal development, organisation, cultural understanding, and customer service, are essential in the personal training profession.

For example, good marketing and sales skills will enable you to launch and scale your fitness career quickly. The same goes for customer service and communication, which go a long way in ensuring your clients are satisfied. Besides, if you do not have the qualifications to make a seamless transition, you should consider obtaining the relevant certifications or degrees to increase your credibility.

Carry out Extensive Research

You must research what being a personal trainer will entail in full detail. This will let you know which opportunities are available for someone with your skills and qualifications and the salary you should expect. Explore the different fitness specialities to find the area you are passionate about, and consider whether you will be part-time or full-time.

You also need to consider the impact of switching to a new career on your financial and emotional life. Plus, you can attend seminars, fitness conferences, and workshops to get first-hand knowledge from industry experts.

Seek Mentorship Opportunities

Look for fitness professionals in your area and ask them to mentor you. Mentorship is a good and practical way to get hands-on experience and advice from professionals. You can ask them any questions about making a career change to personal trainer and the qualifications you may need. For example, if you had a personal trainer in the past, you can just ask them if you can shadow them and see how they work daily.

Gain Practical Experience

Finding opportunities to gain practical experience is an essential step you need to take. You can consider volunteering at your local gym or shadowing an experienced professional. You can apply for jobs at different gyms if you are confident in your skills. However, building your client base and getting the experience needed to be a full-time personal trainer may take some time. So, you should consider working an extra job until you get the client base to become full-time.

Treat Your Career Like a Business

Whether transitioning from a business career or not, you must treat it like a business if you want to become a freelance personal trainer. You need to pay attention to budgeting, creating a business plan and conducting business analysis to help grow your career as a personal trainer.

While developing your business plan, you need to identify your target audience, unique selling proposition, and the services you will offer. Plus, you should analyse the demand for personal trainers in your area and assess your potential competitors; this way, you can effectively position yourself.

Develop a Professional Network

Transitioning to a personal trainer can be daunting, so networking is essential. You can network with other fitness professionals online or offline by attending fitness events or joining online fitness groups. This way, you can build a relationship with like-minded individuals and get opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and possible client referrals. Additionally, you can stay updated on industry trends by joining online fitness groups.

Invest in Your Education

You must invest in your education to transition seamlessly to becoming a personal trainer. You need a Level 3 Personal Training Qualification, as this will enhance your credibility. Other ways to invest in continued education include staying updated with the latest fitness research, attending workshops, or getting a fitness-related degree.

Besides, the qualifications and skills you possess are what sets you apart from your competitors.

Build Your Brand

You need a solid online presence if you want to become a personal trainer because your prospective clients need to be aware of your services. With a social media presence and a professional website, you can establish yourself in no time as an authority in the industry. You must also be consistent when building your brand, whether creating blog posts or video content to attract your target audience.

Plus, your online presence says a lot about how you value yourself as a professional – so remember to treat your professional career as a business.

Begin Small and Scale Up

You need to start your career transition little by little before scaling up. Don’t try to work with many clients at once. Instead, start with a few clients and focus on providing exceptional service. Once you have established a client base and experience, you can scale up gradually by expanding your clientele, increasing your rates, and possibly opening your training studio.

Making a corporate career change to personal trainer requires careful planning

Making a corporate career change to a personal trainer is not a decision that should be taken lightly.

You need to identify your motivation for wanting to make this transition and ensure that you are ready for the investment making a career change requires. Once you are ready, following the steps discussed in this article will enable you to seamlessly transition to a fulfilling career in the fitness industry.