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What is CPD and why is it important?

CPD stands for continuing professional development, CPD courses should be viewed as an ongoing learning method used to enhance and grow your knowledge within a particular area.

What is a CPD?

CPD stands for continuing professional development, CPD courses should be viewed as an ongoing learning method used to enhance and grow your knowledge within a particular area. This type of learning is used to help you progress and grow within specialised areas by providing more specific learning in focus areas.

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Do you gain a qualification from CPD courses?

CPD Courses do not necessarily provide you with additional qualifications, however, some will give you CIMSPA points or accreditations to add to your portfolio. The reason is, that individuals who usually study CPD courses are already qualified in areas such as Nutrition, Personal Training or Pilates, therefore CPD courses are used to enhance that existing knowledge. Although this does not always provide additional qualifications, it does increase client interest and employability as it demonstrates additional efforts in your learning.

Can you study CPD online?

Study options vary depending on the course you choose to undertake. Some courses range from blended learning to practical and online learning, others may just consist of one practical day or solely online learning. It’s important that when you choose which CPD courses you want to study, you explore the study options to understand what you want from a course.

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Why are CPDs important?

There are several reasons that CPD courses can be considered important for anybody looking to grow and develop in their career. The great thing about these courses is the ability to upskill and have the power to choose what you spend your time doing. Below we discuss some of the benefits of CPD and why this should be important to you.

Increased earning potential

Similar to anything career-driven, investing time into your learning and development should naturally create an increase in your earning potential. Whilst this is likely to be the case after studying a CPD course, it’s important to remember that knowledge is one thing and the application is another. 

Once you feel confident in the knowledge you have learnt, you can start bolting on additional fees for the new services you can provide for your clients. In the world of health, fitness and wellbeing, recognition and word of mouth are key factors to becoming a sought-after trainer or coach. Therefore, you may consider offering a discount or a trial for your first 5 clients who decide to try out your new service, from this you can generate reviews which can be used as a public justification for your increase in fees.

On the other hand, you could guarantee a salary increase if you decide to study a course in a different area which could potentially work with your current and new clients, this would naturally open up a new market of opportunities with your offering.

Enhance industry knowledge

Continuous development is important, especially in industries like health, fitness and well-being which is an ever-evolving world. Undertaking CPD courses will help you stay on track and up to date with the latest, this will go hand in hand with becoming a sought-after trainer or coach, as you seem well educated and up to date compared to those not enhancing their knowledge.

Even if you feel confident in the client base and personal skill-set you have, it’s important to remember that clients will always recognise and appreciate you investing in your learning to bring them more skills and expertise. You want your clients to feel they are getting the best service from you, additional learning demonstrates this.

nutrition therapist

Increased market potential

When you are looking to expand in a new skillset you are likely to start attracting clients from new markets. For example, if you are a qualified personal trainer and chose to study a CPD in Nutrition for Muscle Building you have the opportunity to provide nutritional insights into clients achieving their goals over a PT who may not have this knowledge.

This will go hand in hand with an increased earning potential, if you work on widening your market and attracting new clients you are likely to see a similar increase in your earnings. It may be that you have saturated the clients you have with your Personal Training Qualification and CPD are a way for you to enhance and grow your service.

What can you study as a CPD?

Continuous professional development courses are offered across several different industries, however, when looking at health, fitness & wellbeing there are a range of courses available. Learning should always be deemed as a future opportunity, as a way of you progressing and levelling up in your career.