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Trending careers in sport and nutrition

We searched from the places we mentioned in the previous chapters and selected seven career ideas and trends within our industry of competence: fitness, nutrition and Pilates. We have also added a bonus career idea related to our sector using Google Trends.

Personal Trainer

The human body is always changing during a lifetime and keeping it on a good shape is one of the best ways to be happier in life. Becoming a fitness trainer is about helping people feel better with their bodies, live a healthy life and inspire an active lifestyle. To become a personal trainer, you need to be fully qualified before you are allowed to teach.

Some fun facts:

  • The US celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson is worth over $100M and the membership to her gym in New York costs $900/month.
  • 51% of personal trainers say do not get stressed at work, compared to only 21% of office workers.
  • Average hourly rate: £20-£100.

Sports Nutritionist

Sports nutritionists are experts in the field of nutrition who work with athletes to help them optimise their health and performance. They use their knowledge of nutrition to create individualised meal plans and dietary strategies that help athletes reach their goals.


If you’re interested in becoming a nutrition coach, there are a few things you’ll need to do, as we’ll see in our guide on how to become a nutrition coach.


Weight Management Consultant

With the UK being the “Fat Men in Europe”, weight loss consultants, nutritionists and trainers are in the ideal country. Reducing fat in people also helps with psychological issues and it’s very easy to understand why: just search online for weight loss benefits, you find lots.

Fun (or maybe sad?) facts about weight loss:

  • The UK is the “Fat Man of Europe”
  • Currently, 27% of adults and 20% of children (aged 10-11) are obese
  • Annual cost to the NHS is £5.1 billion, projected to £9.7 billion by 2050.


Closely related to weight management consultants, the nutritionist is not just helping people to reduce weight, but also provides healthy lunch ideas. Nutritionists improve the eating habits of their clients by auditing their diets and lifestyle.

Have a look at the Google search trends below for “healthy lunch ideas”.

Some of the most nutritious food is definitely fresh lemons. They have some benefits which are unknown to most.


Pilates classes near me

“Pilates classes near me” might not sound like a career idea, but it’s definitely a tactic to use when setting up your own Pilates business. People who are looking for Pilates have increased the amount of searches on Google for Pilates classes that are near them. These potential clients do not want to travel far for their classes.

You can use this tip to publish your own website in a specific location where people are looking, for example, read again how Joe Hopkins built her business with her website.


Gym Trainer

Being a professional fitness trainer is not the same as working as a gym trainer and instructor. Personal trainers can work any time anywhere, they go to clients’ homes or to the gym. The gym instructor is an employee of a gym and he offers assistance to all members.


Wellness Coach

The health and wellness coach looks at the overall wellness of a person, not just diets or weight loss but also stress-related issues and a positive mindset. He can be more like a partner who will support everyone when people feel they want to quit.

There is a lot of demand for Wellness Coaches in the corporate environment, and lots of companies employ these professionals to look after the wellness of their employees.


Bonus career: Crossfit instructor


Fitness training doesn’t have a timed workout, that’s why Crossfit was born. Greg Glassman, the founder of Crossfit as a discipline, defined it as follows:


“constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains”.