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Final Thoughts

As you have seen in this guide, starting a new career is not an easy task, even for the most experienced professionals. There are just so many factors into play, so many criteria to fit that you need to get everything right, and that comes with patience and time. But don’t get too stressed about the right career path, there isn’t any. There is just a more rewarding career, a less rewarding career and then there is a career change. Whether you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s, career change is not impossible, provided you plan for the future and commit to your plan.

Career change is a process, not a step

We hope that this guide has given you enough resources and inspiration to become your point of reference for a career change. It’s not about what you are doing tomorrow, it’s about what you do with your professional life and for this reason deciding can be split into steps and broken down into actions. This guide is supposed to get you started with making a career change move by giving you all the resources you need, the advice and tools. Career change is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life and it’s vitally important to make the move right.

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Repeatable process

A career change can be more successful if you look at it as a process, rather than a single step. And a process made of many steps means that you can go back and forth as you wish, for example, if you find a career is paid too little and that money for you is important, then simply take a few steps back into this guide and choose a different niche.

Feel free to research more on your career and to use all the tools we have provided for more than just one career idea. Repeat the same process as many times as you need, until you find your sweet spot.

Long-term vision

Although this guide doesn’t 100% guarantee your success, it can definitely increase your odds in choosing a trending career before even starting one. Many people don’t look for a career, they look for jobs and make their decisions based on a single job. But we strongly recommend you think more long-term and look at trends, market phenomena and facts to understand what your job is based on, how the market is moving and where it’s headed. Even if you don’t always get the facts right, don’t worry, there isn’t a perfect career.

Jump to chapters:

  1. Introduction
  2. How to find career change opportunities
  3. Where to look for career ideas
  4. Trending careers in sport and nutrition
  5. Choosing a career and specialization
  6. Evaluating your new career move
  7. Validating your new career move
  8. University, online course, or diploma
  9. Finding a job or building your own business
  10. Pros and cons of changing career in peak season
  11. Final thoughts
  12. Quotes from our career advisers
  13. About the authorLuca Tagliaferro