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29 Valuable Nutrition Statistics, Facts and Trends

Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. It’s an important aspect of your lifestyle and it’s worth investing time and energy into it.

If you’d like to learn more about this rapidly expanding industry, the following nutrition statistics, facts, and trends should enlighten you.

UK general nutrition statistics and facts

  1. The most popular food in the UK is chips with 84% popularity.
  2. The most popular drink in the UK is Robinsons tea with 76% popularity.
  3. This is followed by PG tips tea with 70% consensus.
  4. In 2020, sales revenue from organic food and drinks was 2.6Bn in the UK.
  5. 57% of Brits consider themselves healthy eaters and drinkers.

Global nutrition statistics

  1. Over 40% of all men and women (2.2 billion people) are now overweight or obese.
  2. Perhaps not surprisingly, the most popular drink in the world is water.
  3. The most popular beverages are Cola and Coffee, followed by milk.
  4. The fourth most popular drink is beer, followed by tea. Orange juice places seventh on the list, followed by red wine.
  5. As a result of the pandemic, an estimated additional 155 million people are being pushed into extreme poverty globally.
  6. By 2030, the total economic gains to society from investing in nutrition could reach US$5.7 trillion a year.
  7. Only seven countries are on track to meet four of the six maternal, infant and young child nutrition targets by 2025.
  8. Globally, 20.5 million newborns (14.6% of all live births) have a low weight at birth.
  9. 1.2 billion (19.9% of women and 24% of men) experience raised blood pressure.

Nutrition industry statistics

  1. In 2020, the global food service market was $2.386 Billion.
  2. The global clinical nutrition market is estimated to reach over $51,128.26 million by 2028
  3. Europe, North America and Asia are the 3 largest markets in this industry.
  4. In 2020, quick service restaurants represented 32.1% of the total restaurants globally.
  5. Full-service restaurants represented 41% of the total restaurants.
  6. In 2020, America holds the majority of the foodservice market with $934 billion.
  7. The weight loss and weight management diet market size was valued at $192.2  back in 2019.

Diets statistics

  1. The Paleo diet lost 65% in popularity in the last 10 years.
  2. 642,300 people search Google for “Mediterranean Diet” every month.
  3. 9.3% of young adults prefer a weight-loss and low calories diet.
  4. This is followed by low-fat and low carbs diets.

Nutrition in schools statistics

  1. In 2017, a survey conducted by the British Nutrition Foundation revealed that 13% of 8–11 year-olds think pasta came from an animal.
  2. In 2022, 22.5% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, up from 20.8% in 2021 in the UK.
  3. In the US, pre-pandemic, nearly 100,000 schools/institutions serve school lunches to 29.6 million students each day.
  4. On average, UK school meals cost £2.35 per day or £11.75 per week.


How does healthy eating prevent diseases?

High-density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol, is increased by a balanced diet while harmful triglycerides are decreased. By facilitating smooth blood flow, reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

What percentage of British suffer from malnutrition?

More than three million people in the UK are at risk of malnutrition with the vast majority, about 93%, living in the community setting, 5% in residential care and 2% in hospital. Over one million older people in the United Kingdom living in their own homes are suffering from malnutrition.



Nutrition provides a way to manage a healthy life and a balanced diet. Good nutrition helps children to grow and keeps adults healthy. It can help with managing diseases and it’s good for professional athletes and their performances.




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