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Keeping Pilates Classes Inventive and Fresh

Let’s face it: everyone gets into a rut at some point in their lives. Whether it’s diet, hobbies, or exercise- it’s important to switch it up to keep both your brain and body happy!


Classical Pilates designed by Joseph Pilates was a system with the exercises prescribed in a certain way. Knowing the basics of the sequence is essential for any teacher to fully understand the Pilates method and impart good teaching to the students. However, there is also a time and a place to “break the rules”, so to speak!


There will be times you will have to think outside the box to get creative to not only challenge your students but also to help modify exercises for anyone with injuries. Modifications don’t have to be boring! You can spice it up with the use of props and fun sequencing. This way, you can keep all of your students engaged no matter what their level or ability is!


Having variety will help you learn to be an authentic teacher and create your own unique style you can infuse with your personality. And that’s what people want and that will help keep your classes full and happy while continuing to challenge your students in new, fresh, and inventive ways. Keep people on their toes so they keep coming back for more! Don’t be afraid to get people sore and put a new spin on an old theme.

More Advanced Pilates Exercises

You can also learn how to gradually strengthen your students over time to build up to more advanced exercises. Adding props such as balls and rings adds an additional element that can challenge strength and balance. For example, you may have your students perfect the Shoulder Bridge exercise over a certain period of time. Then, you may add a ball to squeeze in between the inner thighs as they perform the exercise. From here, you can begin to add some rhythmic components such as long and short holds and squeezes or challenge the balance by lifting one leg up. The options are endless here! You may even want to add some light weights or even a ring over time for some arm work at the same time. Why not?! Have fun with it and your students will appreciate it.

Pilates with Small Equipment

Sometimes, though, you may not even know where to begin when it comes to mixing up your classes and what props to use. That’s where our course Pilates with Small Equipment will be essential to your Pilates knowledge base! In this short, 1-day course you will learn the foundations of using various Pilates equipment that you can add to your tool bag at any time. Be sure to purchase the equipment beforehand (not included) so that you can practice as you learn! Remember, as teachers, we need to know what it feels like, too, so we understand the benefits it will give our clients.


In this course, Pilates with Small Equipment, you will work with 7 different types of equipment that can intensify the workouts you provide. You will always keep the base of the Pilates method the same- working with control through good alignment and deep breathing while choosing to deepen your client’s experience. They will walk away feeling their muscles like they never have before!


Using props helps your clients go deep into their bodies to access their muscles and make them fire on a level that will make them stronger. Not to mention- it will be an additional mental challenge as well and can enhance balance and coordination. You will learn how to utilize stability balls, half-foam rollers, resistance tubes and small soft balls through our course here at FutureFit UK to work your clients hard in new ways.


What are you waiting for? Get creative now with your Pilates classes and sign up for our Pilates with Small Equipment class today!