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Importance of life coach training

Learning Life Coach training prior to entering the job role will provide you with the core psychological process and intuitions to help identify barriers and discover solutions for your clients.

What is life coach training? 

When you are training to become a life coach you will learn the skills and expertise needed to help people progress in their lives to gain greater happiness and fulfilment. Once you have undertaken life coach training you will help clients explore ways to improve relationships, careers or just day-to-day life.

Learning Life Coach training prior to entering the job role will provide you with the core psychological process and intuitions to help identify barriers and discover solutions for your clients. 

life coaching

Is there a life coach certification?

There is no current benchmark in place for life coaching certifications, meaning the industry is not regulated in the same way counselling or therapy is. Effectively you do not need a license or certification, to practise as a life coach. Although this is the case, there are several reasons why obtaining a life coaching certification can be deemed important which we discuss throughout this article.

As this is not a regulated qualification, it means there is no level system to the certifications which are currently out there. Therefore, researching different certifications can be greatly beneficial in finding what is right for you. It may be that you have decided to go into relationship life coaching, in this instance, you would benefit more from a certification focused on this area of coaching.

Although this is currently a level-less skill studying a course will help gain recognition and increase client base by being able to showcase qualifications, you can choose to study a Level 3 Life Coaching course or a Level 5 Life Coaching Course.

What is the importance of having a life coach certification?

Establish your skillset

If you chose to become a life coach without undertaking any form of certification or training in the industry, you will be limiting your full potential to be successful in this job. Working as a life coach, involves you having the ability to make an impact and change clients’ lifestyles. This can be a difficult skill set to educate yourself in, using a coaching program would cover the essential knowledge you need to effectively start a coaching business.

You may enter into this industry thinking you have the skills to successfully start coaching and mentoring clients, however, it may result in a quick realisation of the missing skill set you may have with a certified life coach course behind you. If clients feel like they are making no progress, this can have a knock-on effect on new clients in the coaching business. Having a certificate in life coaching will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to make an impact on clients’ lives. 

Join a professional community

From undertaking a life coaching certification, you will quickly gain recognition and value within a professional community. You will be able to develop connections and use these to help build out a valuable long-term coaching business. 

Not only will the professional community benefit your business success, but it will also help you in becoming a recognised life coaching business within the industry. Clients will be more likely to invest in somebody with the correct connections in comparison to those who lack this element. 

life coaching

Invest in your personal development

Investing in your personal development and education is also beneficial in wanting to progress and grow in what you are good at. Becoming a certified life coach will provide you with new and insightful knowledge which you can use to help impact people’s lives and make a difference. 

Although it’s possible to progress and develop without certification, having a program in place to help you do this is bound to be more successful. Once qualified, you will appreciate investing time into your education, and feel confident and prepared to start working in the life coaching industry.

How studying an accredited life coach certification is different

Undertaking a life coach certification can seem time-consuming and somewhat easily avoidable as this is not a regulated industry. However, it is key to remember many certifications can be studied part-time or full-time alongside a full-time job, this makes your learning easily accessible and manageable around your time.

Whilst many coaches may have some innate abilities or developed skills which make them effective coaches, they may still lack valuable skills, tools and techniques which should be learnt as life coaches. Ensuring you have pursued a certification will help equip you with proven coaching skills and techniques to be more effective with your clients and add value to your services.


In conclusion, a life coaching course that is certified is the best route to becoming a life coach. Having this level of understanding and knowledge will set you up for success in becoming a sought-after life coach.