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Meet Harriet White


“My goal is to encourage people to eat MORE! More fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts & seeds, fibre, and fish – because by focusing on the quality of foods we eat, we can greatly impact our health, wellbeing and waistlines! ”


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Get to know me

As a student, I provide educational posts about why we need to eat MORE as a nation. More fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts & seeds, fibre, and fish – all to optimise our health & wellbeing.

I am creating a difference by encouraging my followers on social media to experiment at meal times, and I want to prove to them that you don’t need to be restrictive to lose fat. Meals can be fun, delicious and still fit within your goals!
I have always had a passion for food, fitness and wellbeing, so much so that I have started studying alongside my current career, and I am sharing my story as I go.

I had a burning desire to look into studying Nutrition for the past 4 years before I actually went and looked into it. The comment that made me go to it was quite silly, but definitely made me think. They said "if you have an itch, it must be scratched" so that's what I did. I researched into courses and I have never looked back - I scratched the itch.

Harriet White

Study with Harriet

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