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training to be a pilates instructor

Tips for Becoming a Great Pilates Teacher

Your dreams and goals may be different individually, but the ability to either sustain yourself from a full-time Pilates career and/or keep your classes full with regular and returning clients is a good starting point to measure your success as a Pilates instructor.


Here are our top tips to keep you at the top of your game!

Choose A Thorough Training Provider

When searching for a training, make sure you do your research! Here at Future Fit Training, we combine weekend in-person training with online training you can do at home on your own time! This in-depth learning course qualifies you to teach all levels of Pilates mat along with specialist certifications to continue your education.

Keep Up With Your Pilates Practice

Sometimes when you start to teach, your own practice falls to the side. It is important not to let this happen! You need to keep your ideas fresh not only through your own exploration and workout but also by taking others’ classes. You can be inspired by others, learn something new to share with new CPD courses, and continue to challenge your students as they progress and get stronger.


pilates techniques

Commit To Your Pilates Classes

Whether you are teaching your first class or not, it is important that you show up 110% for your students. You made a contract with yourself and your employer to lead the best classes you can, so why not do it?


Allow your passion for the form to shine through in order to help others become stronger, heal injuries, and fix habitual patterns in their bodies. Know ahead of time that you must be dedicated and patient to your students, and that you must learn to integrate time-management skills to plan your classes to be the best they can be.

Establish A Relationship

While you are a Pilates instructor, a part of your job is also to establish a relationship with your clientele. Greet them upon entering, learn their names, ask how they are doing, etc. If you have trouble remembering someone’s name, try to repeat it right away after they tell you their name, i.e. “Nice to meet you, Sally.” This will help it to stick.


When your students feel comfortable with you and also enjoy your classes because they feel good afterward and see results, they will spread the word about how much they love you and your classes. More people will come as a result, and they may bring their friends and family. It’s a win-win situation.

level 3 pilates

Communication Is Key

As an instructor, your job doesn’t stop when you’re done teaching. You have to keep up with your students somehow. This will further your relationship with them and keep them coming back for more sweet core-burning Pilates. How to do this?


Have them sign up for your email newsletter. Don’t spam their inboxes of course, but if you have any special events coming up, new classes, or even just healthy tips or Pilates exercise troubleshooting, this is the place to do it! Then your students will come and tell you how much they loved that exercise for back pain they just read about in your newsletter and they want to try it in class. This keeps the lines of communication open between you and your clientele.

How To Become A Pilates Instructor

Be sure to check out our other article on how to become a Pilates instructor through Future Fit Training.

We will provide all of the resources you need to be accredited and start working right away. while also providing career support!