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"Steps to Reps" – Are You Ready for Re-Opening?

With the roadmap for lockdown lifting already underway, now is the perfect time to make sure you are ready to return to business in-person as a fitness professional.

This “Steps to Reps” guide highlights the following milestones in the re-opening process as the gym doors open again, and fitness classes can resume.

The information in this guide has been taken from the government website unless highlighted otherwise.

This blog will include:

Steps on the 29th of March


Ready to take your training outside?

On the 29th of March, the rules on socialisation changes in England. You will now be able to meet with six people or in groups of 2 households outdoors, including private gardens.

For the sports and training industry, this day welcomes the first of many releases to training:

  • Outdoor sports facilities (such as tennis courts, open-air swimming pools, and basketball courts) will re-open.
  • Outdoor classes can resume, but only for a small number of people socially distanced. For more information on making the most of outdoor classes, read our blog here.
  • Organised outdoor sports (for adults and under 18s) can recommence and will not be subject to the gathering limits but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies.
  • Personal training is allowed 1-2-1 or 1-2-2 if members are from the same household outdoors, in outdoor sports facilities, and in private gardens, formally organized and following COVID-secure guidance.

Steps on the 12th of April


The moment we’ve all been waiting for: the gyms are finally open!

After shutting their doors once again on the 5th of January, gyms and other indoor leisure facilities will finally be re-opened and available for use.

However, it is essential to remember that gyms are only available for clients on their own or with their household members. Always check with the gym guidelines for their social distancing measures.



Steps on the 17th of May


One month after the gyms have re-opened, it’s finally time to get together (socially distanced and according to socialization rules) in group exercise!

If you, like us, have missed the competition and group dynamic of working out in a class, you will be able to return to indoor group exercises classes from the 17th of May.

Sporting events in indoor arenas will also be allowed with up to 1000 spectators (or half full, whichever is smallest). Outdoor sporting events will be allowed up to 4000 spectators (or half full) or 10000 spectators for the largest arenas (or ¼ full).


On this date, the following socialization rules lift:

  • Restrictions on the number meeting of people outdoors raised to no more than 30
  • Indoor meetings of 6 or 2 households

Social distancing should still be in place for anyone not in your household or “bubble”. The current restrictive measures, such as wearing face masks, will be reviewed around this stage.


Steps on the 21st of June


One small step for man, one giant leap for a return to “normal” training!

On the 21st of June, we can start to see a lift of the remaining social distancing and restriction measures. This will be especially felt in indoor gatherings and classes with a current target of removing all legal limits to social groups.

This will be, however, subject to changes in data and government guidelines.


Steps You Can Take


To make sure you are ready to hit the ground running and work with clients safely, we recommend that you take the following 3 steps:

  1. To prepare you to work with clients in a Covid-19 safe way, make sure to complete your ReActivate training.
  2. If you would like to work with clients recovering from the longer effects of Covid-19, this can be learned on our Covid-19 Rehabilitation course as part of our new School of Health.
  3. Some clients’ mental health may have been affected due to prolonged periods of lockdown. We recommend that to help train clients sensitively and understandingly, you complete our Level 2 Understanding Mental Wellbeing course.

To Conclude


The roadmap out of lockdown and these “Steps to Reps” have given us all aspirational targets. It’s exciting to know when we will be able to get back to doing what we love best, making a difference in our clients’ lives.

Keep an eye out for updates on the government website for accurate and up-to-date rules and changes, and we look forward to seeing you all soon for more in-person training.