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Interviews for Personal Trainers: What to Expect & How to Prepare

If you’ve been able to secure a personal training interview with a gym or fitness facility, then congratulations! You are well on your way to achieving your career goals. The interviewer will have seen potential in your application; all that’s left is demonstrating how you have the necessary qualifications, personality, and skills to thrive within that facility as an employed PT.


So, what can you do to prepare to make sure you will stand out and demonstrate that you are the right candidate? Our PT tutor, Sam Holliday, has written this handy guide with four quick wins, further information on what to ask, what to bring, and how to prepare to make sure you ace your interview and get employed within your dream role.


This blog includes advice on:

Do Your Research


Every interviewer has their own personality, and each organization will probably be looking for something slightly different.

The simple bit will be to do your research and make sure you understand the values of the brand and company ethos. The more nuanced and challenging aspect will be to pick up from the interviewer the subtle clues that show what they are looking for and modify your approach accordingly.

This approach will allow you to shape the conversation, avoid that awful feeling of leaving an interview, and wonder why you haven’t got across the things you wanted to! This will also help you to answer any personal trainer interview questions succinctly, showing you really know the fitness industry well.


Have a Plan Beyond the Interview


You will likely be asked to produce some projections or even a business plan to deliver should you start working as a PT. Often, this is asked to ensure that you have the business acumen required to succeed.


As an example, you may aim to have meaningful interactions with 100 members every week. From these 100, you aim to book ten taster sessions and convert 1 or 2 tasters to clients.

The main purpose here is to demonstrate that you are fully aware of the volume of work that is required to grow your business and also give realistic conversion rates (politely asking the interviewer what other PT’s average per week in terms of interactions, tasters, session delivery and earnings can lead to a positive discussion around expectations).


Also, have a clear strategy to communicate your strengths and personal attributes by incorporating these into your answers. For example, you may well be asked if you think your business plan is realistic, which is an excellent opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of what is required to deliver results and grow a client base. Here’s a couple of examples of how you could respond:

‘My initial approach will be to identify what your members need help with and provide instant on the spot solutions to demonstrate my value. I will do this by correcting technique, performing a partner assisted stretch, introducing them to a new exercise or training protocol (for example, HIIT), advising on pre and post-workout nutrition (within the boundaries of my qualifications) or inviting them to a studio or group training gym floor class if you want me to teach them.’

‘I know that I need to adapt my approach because no member is the same, but whether that person becomes a client or the advice and support that I give just helps me grow my reputation, it will be time well spent.’

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Develop a Friendly Rapport


It’s worth pausing for a moment to recognize that those interviewing us are human beings just like the rest of us. This is good to remember to settle the inevitable pre-interview nerves. What makes all the difference in your ability to adapt your approach depending upon the circumstance.

It is essential never to forget that interviewers are human. It will be crucial to be positive, have an excellent attitude, and show that you will gel with the existing team and the membership/customer base.


This may seem simplistic, but having a positive working environment is vital to the happiness and success of the team.

4 Quick Wins to Ace a PT Interview


Here are some fundamental tips if you want to be hired:

  • Be prepared for remote and in-person interviews – if you’re new to remote technology, practice beforehand to avoid any technical glitches.
  • Ask what the interview process will be and should you take gym attire to change into (good recruiters will include a practical aspect for a PT role)
  • Arrive in good time immaculately presented with a well-presented portfolio including a hard copy up to date CV and all relevant certificates
  • When responding to questions, provide real accounts rather than hypothetical responses – this will be more powerful and memorable. Real examples will show that you don’t just talk the talk.
Personal training course tutor talking student through an exercise

To Conclude


Being prepared is an essential step to make sure you have all the answers and skills required to make a positive impact on an interviewer and help you secure your dream job. Being a Personal Trainer requires more than just a good knowledge of fitness. You need to communicate effectively, encourage and motivate, and help clients see the bigger picture to hit their fitness goals; these are all skills you can demonstrate with a strong interview.


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