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12 nutrition events in the UK to attend in 2024

Nutrition is an important aspect of health and development. Every year, there are multiple nutrition events to share information about general wellness, healthy eating, physical activity, and sickness prevention. Whether you are a registered nutritionist or a prospective one, these events allow you to network and build your professional circle.

If you want to know the different nutrition events that occur throughout the year, keep reading.

This article will discuss over 10 nutrition events in different cities in the country, providing their date, venue, and costs. So, let’s get right to it, shall we?

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1. International Conference on Clinical Nutrition and Malnutrition

Date: 15th – 16th January 2024

Venue: Digital – London, United Kingdom

Price: From €300

About this event:

The International Conference on Clinical Nutrition and Malnutrition (ICCNM) 2024 will discuss research results on all facets of clinical nutrition and malnutrition. The conference aims to bring together academic scientists and researchers to share their experiences in clinical nutrition.

This conference will be the first interdisciplinary platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to present innovations and trends. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss challenges in the fields of clinical nutrition and malnutrition and propose solutions.

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2. International Conference on Clinical Nutrition

Date: 9th – 10th December 2024

Venue: Digital – London, United Kingdom

Price: From €250

About this event:

Organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, the International Conference on Clinical Nutrition (ICCN) is a digital London conference that discusses clinical nutrition, nutritional disorders and treatment, public health nutrition, and more. The conference invites prospective nutrition researchers to submit their research abstracts and papers.

Students and non-students will be allowed to present their papers at a fee of €350 and €450, respectively. The event is scheduled for December 2024, so you can still take advantage of the early bird tickets.

3.  International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition (ICFSN)

Date: 22nd – 23rd April 2024

Venue: London, United Kingdom

Price: €300

About this event:

The International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition (ICFSN) is a major event for food professionals and nutritional enthusiasts. This conference will offer a thorough exploration of different facets of nutrition, including clinical nutrition, malnutrition, nutritional support, food science, and more.

The ICFSN 2024 provides a valuable platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and a contribution to the ongoing dialogue aimed at enhancing global well-being through advancements in nutritional science. The conference is scheduled to take place in April 2024 in the vibrant city of London, United Kingdom.

4.  International Conference on Nutrition and Functional Foods

Date: 25th – 26th March 2024

Venue: Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel, London, UK

Price: From €970

About this event:

This two-day conference, with a carefully curated theme of “Current Research and Role of Nutrition and Functional Foods in Day-to-Day Life, ” offers a platform for discussions led by established experts in the field. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for collaboration among representatives from universities, institutes, and businesses to foster global networking.

The ICNFF 2024 will feature keynote sessions, inclusive discussions, workshops, symposia, and exhibitions to showcase the latest innovations in nutrition and functional foods. If you are a nutritionist, dietician, food science expert, or researcher, you will benefit from the diverse programme.

5.  Enterprise Europe Network – Meet the Buyer

Date: 31st January 2024

Venue: Merits Innovation Thinkspace, Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 FE8V, Ireland

About this event:

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and the Local Enterprise Offices have collaborated to curate the ‘Meet the Buyers’ Event’ for the food and beverage industry. It is a unique platform for networking and transactions with some of Ireland and Europe’s most innovative food and nutrition companies.

This event focuses on building businesses in 2024 and offers positive prospects to connect, transact, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving food and beverage sector. Scheduled for January 31st, 2024, it will examine the latest trends in the food and nutrition landscape and consumer trends.

6. Positive Nutrition Interactive Broadcast Series 2024

Date: 12th – 14th March 2024

Venue: Digital

Price: Registration and attendance are free

About this event:

Positive Nutrition Interactive Broadcast Series is an entirely online event slated for March 12-14, 2024. This series will discuss the evolving food and beverage manufacturing landscape in light of rising health concerns.

It will thoroughly examine critical topics such as plant-based options, food as medicine, personalised nutrition, and food for kids. In the face of shifting consumer preferences, this series examines how brands can seize the opportunity to deliver wellness-focused products. Also, even though registration and attendance are free, pre-registration is required.

7.  25th Annual Meet on Obesity and Diet

Date: July 2024

Venue: United Kingdom

Price: $599 – $1099 (Estimated)

About this event:

Want to learn about the latest obesity-related advancements? Then, you should attend the 25th Annual Meet on Obesity and Diet, tentatively scheduled for July 2024. The event will examine topics shaping the understanding and management of obesity. It will also explore the causes of obesity and examine the role of diet and nutrition in advancing and preventing the disease.

You can anticipate discussions on anti-obesity drugs, surgical and non-surgical treatments, genetics and epigenetics, and the intricate relationship between obesity and various health conditions. Attendees can also engage in exhibitions to enrich their knowledge of the latest developments in the field.

8.  BDA Research Symposium

Date: 4th December 2024

Venue: United Kingdom

Price: £85

About this event:

The upcoming BDA Research Symposium is scheduled for December 4th, 2024, in the UK. It is priced at £60 for BDA members and £85 for non-BDA members. This symposium serves as a platform for nutrition and dietetic professionals to share groundbreaking research findings and methodologies.

The symposium plays a crucial role in promoting dieticians as leaders in nutrition and dietetic research. You can join this enriching conversation by sending in an abstract. If your abstract is rejected, your registration will be automatically cancelled without charge.

9.  London Eating Disorders Conference 2024

Date: 29th February 2024

Venue: Cavendish Conference Centre, London

Price: £295

About this event:

The London Eating Disorders Conference 2024 is an event for healthcare professionals involved in the nutrition field, including psychiatrists, paediatricians, psychologists, and dieticians. It is set to take place in February 2024 with a rich program featuring a blend of keynote speakers, plenary lectures, and an exhibition with informative posters.

Numerous networking opportunities, dedicated discussion periods, and a conducive environment to support socialising and collaboration will also be available.

10. International Conference on Hormones and Obesity (ICHO)

Date: 26th – 27th July 2024

Venue: London, United Kingdom

About this event:

This two-day event is a platform for experts in bioengineering and life sciences to share the latest research on topics like hormones, obesity, and metabolic diseases. It gives you a great opportunity to connect with professionals from various fields and discuss ideas. Researchers and scholars are invited to contribute to various topics on steroids and hormones in obesity, Cushing disease, obesity and breast cancer, obesity and oesophageal cancer.

11. Nutrition Society Congress 2024

Date: 2nd – 5th July 2024

Venue:  Assembly Buildings Conference Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Price: From £100

About this event:

Formerly the summer conference, the Nutrition Society Congress is a rebranded event led by the Irish Section of The Nutrition Society. The event is diverse and covers everything from molecular studies to global food systems.

This Nutrition Society Congress is an in-person event for professionals, students, and industry researchers. This year’s theme is gathering and analysing data from the nutrition industry to advance health and nutrition.

12. International Conference on Food Science, Food Safety and Hygiene (ICFSFSH)

Date: 26th February 2024

Venue: Edinburgh, Scotland

Price: $140

About this event:

The International Conference on Food Science, Food Safety, and Hygiene is bringing together industry professionals and experts to discuss solutions and strategies for future developments in the field. Just like other events on this list, this event is a platform to share ideas, make valuable connections, and present the latest industry information to spark conversation.

At the moment, the organising body is still accepting abstract papers for the event until February 6th, 2024.

Wrapping Up

The nutrition events scheduled for 2024 offer a great chance to learn and connect in the nutrition and healthcare industry. These conferences cover research, health concerns, and the latest trends in nutrition.

Whether you’re an experienced nutritional professional or aspiring to be active in dietetics, these gatherings will give you valuable opportunities to stay updated on the industry and network with your peers. Plus, the insights from these events have the potential to shape a healthier and more informed world through shared knowledge and collaboration.