If you are a student, a recent graduate, or currently employed but contemplating a career change, searching for a job can be a time consuming process. Knowing where to look for your next job can make job hunting easier. There are numerous ways and places to find employment opportunities. Employing the right strategies can increase your chances of securing a new job. This article offers valuable suggestions and guidance on approaches for finding a job, along with helpful tips to consider during your job search.
Where to begin?
Now that you are a qualified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Nutrition Coach, Life Coach, Sports Massage Therapist or Strength and Conditioning Coach, it’s time to start thinking about starting the job search in the fitness industry.
After selecting the desired role, acquiring relevant experience serves multiple purposes. It not only familiarises you with the necessary skills and aids in their development but also demonstrates your dedication to working in the field and facilitates networking opportunities. This can be done during your training or in a break between acquiring your qualifications and starting your career. With a Future Fit Training course, it is easy to work full-time while still training towards a qualification.
Writing a CV
Crafting an impressive first impression for potential employers through your CV is crucial. It should strive to be concise and direct, effectively showcasing your personal and professional skills and experience.
Creating your CV doesn’t have to be a time consuming process and it doesn’t all have to be down to you, with modern technology you can now use CV templates to create your ideal CV like a professional CV maker. Make sure you include specific examples from your past experience that correspond to the skills and qualifications outlined in the job description. This will help you stand out among other applicants who submit generic applications. Consider the most sought-after skills by employers.
In addition, you might be requested to submit a cover letter, serving as a personalized introduction. Take the opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm and demonstrate why you are genuinely interested in working for the company. Going the extra mile by incorporating evidence of research and passion can leave a lasting impression, the key to this is to make it specific to the job you are applying for. For more information about writing a cover letter click the link here: writing your cover letter.
Searching for jobs
Searching for jobs can be quite daunting, here are 8 easy steps to get you started:
The Benefits of the Future Fit Job Board
Our intention goes beyond merely selling you a course; we are dedicated to helping you discover your dream job. To facilitate this process, we have developed the Future Fit Job Board, which presents our students with the latest job openings from the most captivating employers in the industry.
With our esteemed reputation in the field, our Employment Partners consist of influential individuals who are making waves and revolutionising the realm of health and fitness. The Job Board serves as a platform to showcase their job opportunities to you.
Discover the Job Board today: UK Personal Training & Fitness Jobs (futurefit.co.uk)