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Get Back Into Shape With Post-Natal Pilates

Women make up nearly 50% of the world’s population at around 3.7 billion, and every day, it’s estimated that over 350,000 babies are born. What does this mean for you as a fitness professional?

It means there is a huge amount of women around the world who will benefit from your Pilates and coaching skills to help them feel their best again!

Many women know the reality of getting back into ‘shape’ after pregnancy and childbirth. It can certainly put a toll on the body bringing new life into the world. This means it’s important to breathe life back into a workout routine such as Post-natal Pilates to get new mum’s back on track and into good health.

The truth is most new mums may not know what they need to do after having a baby. When the doctor gives the green light to get back to their workout program, they may find they cannot just jump right back to where they were beforehand. Not to mention, this is not even healthy to do!

As a fitness professional, do you know when a woman should return to exercise after having a baby? There are guidelines that doctors put in place of course but there are also ways you can become informed, too.

It is essential as a fitness instructor to be informed on how to teach this population. Let’s face it- women are not going to stop having babies any time soon! When you are informed, you will be empowered to help women get back into their bodies. Not only will you feel more confident about teaching them, but they will walk away from the class feeling more confident. Join our Pre and Post-natal Exercise course here today to learn how to adapt your classes to this population.

When teaching new mums, it is important to know about the changes their body has gone through from pregnancy. There are many physiological changes that occur and you will find that you must then adapt your Pilates exercises to their changing body. There may be certain things they need to do at the beginning of their new workout programme to build themselves up slowly over a period of time when they start exercising again. Not only do their physical bodies change, but also there are fluctuating hormone levels which can affect mood and more. So it’s up to you to guide them efficiently and effectively to that place of balance!

What you’ll learn on the Pre and Post-natal Exercise Course

You also get to share in the joys and benefits of sharing the post-natal exercise with them as well! Some of the benefits you’ll learn about on this course include:

  • Increased energy, decreased lethargy


  • Beat the blues- improved mood!


  • Weight loss


  • A leaner, trim body


  • Fewer aches & pains


Some exercises that are really important for the new mother include pelvic floor exercises, lower abdominal exercises, and just getting the body moving through a gentle exercise like walking. These are all beneficial for easing their new mum-body back into shape.

This means there also specific exercises that need to be avoided during the first 6 weeks after labour. This includes swimming, any large movements involving the extremities (arms and legs), as well as deep abdominal work- particularly if someone had a cesarean section and there were any kind of stitches involved.

Are you ready to up your fitness teaching game and help new mom’s get back into shape? Register for our Pre and Post-natal Exercise course and earn 8 CIMSPA CPD / 16 REPs CPD points when you complete the course. Together, we can help all women be their best self, no matter where they are at in their fitness journey!

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