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Exercise Referral for Health Management

It’s becoming more important to have the Exercise Referral qualification because it’s more prevalent that you will come across someone with diabetes, heart disease, asthma and many other conditions. It gives you the skills in your toolbox to give practical, helpful and effective methods of overcoming and improving the health and fitness of the individual.

Exercise Referral for Health Management

Follow Future Fit tutor Andy Cowling as we take a look at our Exercise Referral for Health Management workshop.

You’ll gain an insight into the theoretical and practical elements of the 3-day course and hear from current students who are looking to enhance their knowledge of providing clients with specialist health and wellbeing advice.

Future Fit Training offer a wide range of fitness courses throughout the UK. Choose to study whenever it suits you through a mixture of engaging, interactive e-learning and practical weekend workshops.

You can find out more about the course here.

Exercise referral course practical

Key Points

  • Discover what the Exercise Referral course entails
  • Gain an understanding of both the theoretical and practical elements of the course
  • Learn about the current demand for this type of qualification
  • Listen to what our current students think of the course
  • Take a look at the types of specialist services you can offer with this qualification

Personal trainer training client
Personal Training course practical workshop

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Looking to turn your passion into a career? Make an impact on the fitness industry and train with Future Fit.