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Do Personal Trainers Give Nutrition Advice?

To become a personal trainer, you need to meet the Level 3 Personal Training Qualification. Level 3 is recognized by the CIMSPA.

A Personal Trainer helps people of all different backgrounds reach their health and fitness goals. As a Personal Trainer, you will teach people how to live and maintain a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle and provide a holistic training service and nutrition advice. This is accomplished through teaching them the proper way to exercise and take care of their body safely, communicating and continually motivating clients, and helping them perfect their form and technique during their sessions.

To accomplish these tasks, personal trainers create a personalised workout program for each of their clients. A one-size-fits-all method doesn’t work here. Every client is beginning their fitness journey at a different stage with a different body type and different goals. Therefore, the personal trainer must create a unique program that meets the exact needs of the client, including nutrition. Getting to know each client and building a relationship is a major part of the role of a Personal Trainer.

Personal Training and Nutrition Advice

In addition to physical training for your clients, Personal Trainers may also provide diet and nutrition advice and serve as a nutrition coaches as well. Every client will need fitness and nutrition advice to maximise their results with their Personal Trainer. As a Personal Trainer, you will provide advice to your clients on what foods they should be incorporating into their diets. Depending on their goals, you will help teach them to count their calories, macronutrients, micronutrients, and more to help them achieve their goals. You will use your knowledge of metabolism, nutrition, and athletic performance to recommend a plan that is best for the client.


Health Coaches and Nutrition

While a health coach may not serve directly as a Personal Trainer and work with someone one on one in the gym, they still provide advice about nutrition and diet. A health coach helps clients and provides support and guidance for someone looking to make changes in their lifestyle. A health coach may also serve as a nutrition coach and perform similar nutrition duties as a Personal Trainer such as working with a variety of clients to help them improve their diets to achieve goals such as fat loss and improved health.

It is important to note that a nutrition coach is different from a nutritionist. A nutritionist is someone who has earned a Nutritionist degree level (BSc) or higher and is a member of the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN) if they want to use the title ‘Registered Nutritionist’ (RNutr). A nutritionist will work in non-clinical settings and will provide guidance, support, and advice on nutrition.

A nutrition coach will work with individuals or small groups and coach clients on making healthy choices with their diets and lifestyle. Nutrition coaches do not need a degree. However, a nutrition qualification such as the Level 4 RSPH Nutrition course would be beneficial as it will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to advise and support clients to improve their diets.

In this course, topics such as nutrition for individualised groups like athletes, older adults, and vegans, and vegetarians will be covered. You will learn how to help clients plan their meals to optimize their nutrient intake.


What Qualifications Do I Need to Give Nutrition Advice?


Whether a Personal Trainer or a health coach, someone with an RSPH Nutrition Certification or a Level 5 Nutrition qualification will have specialised knowledge and skills to help specific populations reach their goals and increase their earning potential. This certification will equip you with the skills to motivate and support your clients to achieve long-term changes in their physical fitness, dietary intake, and overall health. Our Level 5 qualification is an excellent opportunity to learn more scientific elements of Nutrition. Through this course, you will learn specific dietary and vitamin factors and how they play a role in health and wellbeing, such as:

  • Insulin, glucagon, and blood glucose regulation
  • Appetite regulation
  • Benefits and risks of high protein diets
  • Approaches to fat loss: macronutrient balance versus energy balance, very-low-calorie diets, intermittent fasting.

This is the highest level qualification for Nutrition that is Ofqual recognised available in the UK that is pre-degree level, setting you apart from competitors and giving you a broader scope of practice as a Nutrition Advisor.

The qualifications for a Nutritionist and a Nutrition Coach are different; it’s essential to figure out what you want to do within Nutrition to determine the study you wish to undertake. Find out the difference between a Nutritionist and Nutrition Coaches.



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