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Christmas Recipe: Wreath Salad





This salad makes for a fantastic centrepiece for the table. Both healthy and nutritious, you can enjoy this recipe as part of a light lunch. Serve just like a Christmas wreathe…


❄ This recipe will take approximately 15 minutes.


100g Mixed salad leaves (slightly sour leaves like escarole, mustard or rocket work well)

1 red pepper (for berries and ribbon)

300g vacuum-packed prepared chestnuts

150g diced pancetta

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons olive oil.


salad leaves on a large plate

Fry pancetta in a non-stick pan until crisp with
golden bits. Add the chestnuts and fry together. The chestnuts will start to
break down into smaller pieces as they warm

Once warmed through (2-3 minutes)
remove them and the pancetta with a slotted spoon and scatter over the mixed
salad leaves

Stir the mustard into the remaining oil and add the olive oil and
vinegar and take off the heat

Mix well and keep stirring until ready to pour
over the salad. Chop the red pepper using an apple corer to make berries and
chop to make the ribbon

Serve warm