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Personal training Course Instructor tutor explaining to students
Personal training Course Instructor tutor explaining to students

Can I Work As A Personal Trainer Overseas?

Until relatively recently, it was generally the case that if you wanted to work in another country you’d have to do another certification that met their standards. However, as more and more countries have organisations that seek to standardise and regulate their own qualifications, similar to REPS in the UK, it has become easier to facilitate a system to allow trainers to work around the world.

The International Confederation of Registers of Exercise Professionals (ICREPs) is a partnership between the various registration bodies which means qualifications gained in those countries are transferable and recognised.


Personal trainer practical course

These are the current ICREPs member registers:

  • United Kingdom: CIMSPA which became a member of ICREPs
  • Ireland: Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) for Ireland
  • Europe: The European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS)
  • USA: US Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS)
  • Australia: Fitness Australia
  • New Zealand: Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) – New Zealand
  • South Africa: Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) – South Africa
  • United Arab Emirates: Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) – U.A.E.
  • Canada: Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) – Canada

Together they register over 200,000 exercise professionals (130,000 of which are on USREPS). A UK Level 3 personal training qualification, such as that you gain from any of our PT courses, is recognised and accepted in all of these countries.


male using gym equipment


Interestingly, Fitness Australia and REPs New Zealand require ICREPs UK registered trainers to continue their education in business skills within the first one to two years of registration with them.

Current UK standards don’t require business skills to be included in level 3 qualifications. Still, we recognize their importance, so we have a dedicated course covering business setup, administration, marketing and sales included in our diplomas, as well as our unique Career Accelerator Package which gives you access to expert advice, training and resources to establish a successful personal training business.

To transfer your qualifications, all you need to do is submit your current ICREPs certificate to the register of the country you are moving to.