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Roxanne McKee

Roxanne's Story

My name is Roxanne McKee, I’m an actress with a penchant for action. For those of you who do know me it’s no secret my passions revolve around fitness and nutrition. While the fitness angle has always been in my blood – I barely left the water as a child, from swimming to hanging off the back of my brother’s surfboard as an eight year old, adventure within fitness has always been a part of my life. My most fond memories of childhood are salty beach days, or drizzly hikes in chalk pits in the south of England.  I’m happiest outside, by water, or up a mountain, no matter the weather I choose the wild.  

Acting has been an incredible blessing and has enabled me to explore the world. My dad always told me to visit every place I could get to, try every food, and learn about new cultures. This curiosity for world adventure coupled with a love of running has meant I’ve been lost on multiple occasions in various countries, and while I don’t advise forgetting to charge your phone and running at night in unfamiliar territory, I do advise walking through the world and moving your body. There is nothing more exhilarating to me that pounding new streets. As I write this, me heart is warming at the memories of kind strangers in foreign countries giving me new running routes, tips for climbing, offering to accompany me on shark dives and boat trips. Of course these strangers always became friends, and the adventures never stopped because when you share movement and a love of nature you’re bonded for life. I have a particularly happy/chaotic memory of a four hour hike up Table Mountain, with a director, makeup artist, personal trainer and a stunt guy that started to get dangerous when the weather changed and we found ourselves lost in the mountain while the mist descended and the rain set in. For more on that you can check my Instagram… needless to say we made it out unscathed and bonded for life. 

I come from a family of sport lovers, my mother was excellent at racquet sports, never ever letting me win! My dad and brother both keen rowers with my brother dominating in windsurfing. For me, I like it all, a bit like a golden retriever, give me a space to run, swim or climb and I’m happy. 

I didn’t know just how ‘happy’ it made me to just move until I went through a particularly tricky breakup some years ago. I felt so sad, but I had to put on muscle and change up my body for a show I was working on. All I could do was go to the gym every day and workout with my trainer. He became one of my best friends, his understanding, and gentle emphasis on eating properly and working out while I felt low carried me through a very painful time. I got fit, I got strong, and I never looked back. I promised myself I would do this for someone else one day. 

Instagram: @roxanne_mckee 
Twitter: @roxanne_mckee

A Q&A With Roxanne

Get to know Roxanne better with these Q&As to see why she chose to study with Future Fit Training, and how fitness has changed her life…

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