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My Feet Haven’t Touched The Ground

In true Ninja Warrior style, my feet haven’t touched the ground since qualifying as a Level 3 PT with Future Fit on May 22. That day itself was a whirlwind, with a challenging assessment by Paul Swainson, head of the Future Fit School of PT. I was nervous for sure but my case study and client, Heslin, was brilliant. We did a thorough routine to show Paul all I’d learned. My paperwork on Heslin also showed how in six weeks she’d stripped her fat back, gained strength, toned up, improved her VO2 max scores (her efficiency taking up oxygen while exercising) and built her confidence to enter an autumn marathon.


Once I’d passed, the fun started. I turned the tables on Paul and put him through his Ninja training paces – setting up an obstacle course around my gym and challenging him to complete this and reach the buzzer at the top of the wall without touching the ground. I was in my comfort zone as the trainer and he was out his comfort zone as the trainee! But he was a great sport and completed the circuit brilliantly in 1 minute 35 seconds. I was really impressed!


In fact, I ‘ve been really impressed by Future Fit throughout my training journey. The course has been in-depth and fascinating to learn. There have been some challenges but I’ve felt really supported the whole way. The practical face-to-face sessions were fantastic and the case study work was a real eye opener. They really prepared me well for work as a PT: I’m still amazed some courses don’t include this scale of practical training and case study assessment.


Now I’m fully qualified, I can step up to doing one-to-one and small group PT training alongside my Ninja Warrior, boot camp and combat sessions. I’m doing more and more work with youngsters too: they’re an amazing age group to work with and really engage in the combat and Ninja work where gym or class routines don’t capture their attention.


A year ago I was just starting out on my PT training and my HC:Fit gym and Ninja studio was a concept. Now I’m full of confidence from my training, the gym membership is growing, my Ninja Warrior training and competitions are firing interest in people. It’s amazing to be honest. Qualifying as a PT is the start point and from here I can build and build: Future Fit has given me a brilliant platform to start with.


My next steps are to devise new programme plans, look at executive plans, market myself well and keep alert to what my customers – and potential customers – really want. I can call on Future Fit anytime I want for support on my career progression which is good to know. As for my next challenge – I’d like to try calisthenics. That would be an awesome skill to have – and then add it into my clients’ plans. I can’t give you a date for when I’ll be posting ‘Henry’s Human Flag’ but it’s definitely on the ‘to do’ list!