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Lucy Spraggan holding up a hand weight poking her tongue out
Lucy Spraggan holding up a hand weight poking her tongue out

Introducing Lucy Spraggan: Our New Ambassador

‘Future Fit use the highest standard in all they do. From signing up and communicating with the team to logging into the StudentZone and starting the work, they keep in touch every step of the way to make sure you are happy and ready to go – which is so important when you’re entering the unknown.’ Lucy Spraggan


We’re delighted to announce that the successful singer-songwriter and fitness inspiration, Lucy Spraggan, has begun training with us to become a Personal Trainer!


Lucy has undergone a huge fitness transformation both physically and mentally, losing 3.5 stone and looking after her body and mental health. Lucy will be training with us to pursue her goal of helping and inspiring people through fitness. She also hopes to set up a not-for-profit gym in the future for others to enjoy, and to transform them into healthier, happier people.


Doing this qualification with a trusted and reputable company is really important to me’, Lucy said of her training. ‘I don’t want to cut corners, I want to learn as much as possible. And Future Fit do not cut corners‘.


Find out more about:

Lucy’s Fitness Journey

Q&A with Lucy

Lucy’s Fitness Journey


Lucy began her fitness journey in 2019.


She started to take better care of her body and focus on her mental and physical health (something that has been well documented on her social media @lspraggan on both Instagram and Twitter). Lucy can attribute this positive impact to fitness:

‘I have never known a more therapeutic activity than getting my heart rate up, or getting outdoors to do something I love’.

Since then, Lucy has been getting involved with all sorts of physical activities and sports ‘Crossfit, running, Olympic weightlifting, spin, the list goes on!’ and inspiring others to do the same.


This passion started with running, which is something Lucy has dedicated her time to share with others. She now runs every day (anywhere from 5-25km!) and plans to complete the Brighton Marathon.


Using fitness as a key to unlocking good mental health is another personal driver, and something she wishes to incorporate in her future training. Having a direct link to people to help them through their personal struggles, whether that be through her fitness or through her top-selling music, is really important to her.

“I wanted to learn more about the correlation between physical and mental health and eventually work with others to show that exercise is an incredible way to feel better all round.”.

Lucy believes that fitness and training have changed her life and feels inspired to pass that onto others, which prompted her to begin her Personal Training with Future Fit Training. She wanted to find a company that was ‘thorough‘ and that ‘shared the ethic and love for fitness‘ that she does, so Future Fit was her choice.


brand ambassador Lucy Spraggan strength training

Q&A with Lucy (About her Training and Fitness Journey)


What made you want to become a Personal Trainer?

I discovered a whole new world through fitness, it opened up so
many doors for me. My mentality changed and I went from not caring very much
about my body to really wanting to know more about it and look after it.

I want to spread the message that working out should be fun; it
should be something you love. I feel I can help in that way.

How do you think fitness has changed your life?

In more ways than you could imagine! I have something that is
just for me, not for anyone else. It’s not a competition or a race. It’s my

What’s your favourite kind of workout?

I love long-distance running, I like a HIIT workout if I don’t
have much time or a gym to train in. Boxing is one of my real loves, and all
the training involved.

Were you nervous to start your training course?

I was, as I didn’t know what to expect. But Future Fit really
guided me through the course and I was comfortable straight away. I think, if
you already have a background in fitness, it’s less daunting.

What made you choose Future Fit?

They are reputable and reliable. They know what they’re doing
and they have a really high level of training. They’re not about doing things
quickly – they’re about doing it right.

What is your top piece of advice for anyone wanting to become a personal trainer?

Get out there as much as you can, go to gyms, train with
friends, try new exercises and activities. If you can incorporate as much fun
into being a PT as possible, you’ll be an ace one.


We are very excited to have Lucy join us as part of the Future Fit Family! She is such a positive role model for doing whatever you put your mind to and taking control. We wish her the best of luck with her training.