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Can Pilates Help with Fat Loss?

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that obesity is a global epidemic. But the question for many Pilates instructors is, how can Pilates help with fat loss?

Research trends have changed many times over the years as to what is best when it comes to diet and exercise for fat loss. From low-carb to CrossFit, now it’s the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, and high-intensity interval training. Where can Pilates possibly fit into losing weight?

Learn about this and more in our Exercise for Fat Loss course that you can do online in order to start helping your clients now!

Your clients who are undergoing weight loss programs can use specific Pilates exercises and routines tailored to their needs for maximum results. Learn how to work with their goals for dropping the kilos in an intelligent way that coincides with everything else they’re doing including diet and other exercises.

Pilates for Fat Loss


Pilates is an excellent supplement for fat loss and there are many ways it can be utilized. One of the best primary ways Pilates can assist with fat loss is in shaping muscle tone. As fat drops away, it is important to use the body efficiently and build muscle. Because Pilates works the entire body from the core outward, every muscle group is targeted.

However, you must be patient when it comes to losing weight. It is not going to happen overnight or within 1 week, and not with Pilates alone. Even with the consistent practice of high-intensity Pilates, one would lose fat very slowly. This is why it is important to combine it with cardiovascular exercise 4-5 times per week in addition to Pilates conditioning.

It is possible to make Pilates more aerobic, too. Some of the more intense exercises, when performed repetitively for longer periods, can be done as in like a HIIT-style workout so the client really feels the workout, gets the heart rate up, and even tones the muscles all at the same time!

For example, you can include the more aerobic Pilates exercise called The Hundred which elevates the heart rate, in between every exercise to really make more of a cardiovascular workout routine for fat loss. The Hundred is a classic exercise with many variations which also makes it so great to use and in many different ways!

Studies have been conducted on women who have combined cardiovascular exercise along with Pilates to prove that it helps drop fat and build lean muscle mass. The key is that your clients need to exercise at least 30 minutes per day and consume fewer calories than they are burning off. Nearly a half-kilogram of fat equals 3,500 calories so your client must be eating few calories than this (ideally in the 1100 range for maximum fat loss).

How you can help

As a Pilates instructor, you can keep in close contact with your client if they are serious about their weight loss goals. You can also be their support and encouragement when times get tough or they fall off track. Maybe even you have used Pilates and other methods with your own weight loss and fitness journey, to keep the kilos off and build lean muscle!

This e-learning course Exercise for Fat Loss will guide you in the right direction to help you help others feel the very best in their bodies. Help others be the best they can be and get into the best shape of their lives – the Pilates way.